
class biocypher.output.connect._neo4j_driver._Neo4jDriver(database_name: str, uri: str, user: str, password: str, multi_db: bool, translator: Translator, wipe: bool = False, fetch_size: int = 1000, increment_version: bool = True)

Manages a BioCypher connection to a Neo4j database using the neo4j_utils.Driver class.

  • database_name (str) – The name of the database to connect to.

  • wipe (bool) – Whether to wipe the database before importing.

  • uri (str) – The URI of the database.

  • user (str) – The username to use for authentication.

  • password (str) – The password to use for authentication.

  • multi_db (bool) – Whether to use multi-database mode.

  • fetch_size (int) – The number of records to fetch at a time.

  • increment_version (bool) – Whether to increment the version number.

  • translator (Translator) – The translator to use for mapping.

__init__(database_name: str, uri: str, user: str, password: str, multi_db: bool, translator: Translator, wipe: bool = False, fetch_size: int = 1000, increment_version: bool = True)


__init__(database_name, uri, user, password, ...)

add_biocypher_edges(edges[, explain, profile])

Accepts an edge type handoff class (biocypher.create.BioCypherEdge) with source and target ids, label, and a dict of properties (passing on the type of property, ie, int, string ...).

add_biocypher_nodes(nodes[, explain, profile])

Accepts a node type handoff class (biocypher.create.BioCypherNode) with id, label, and a dict of properties (passing on the type of property, ie, int, str, ...).


Generic edge adder method to add any kind of input to the graph via the biocypher.create.BioCypherEdge class.


Generic node adder method to add any kind of input to the graph via the biocypher.create.BioCypherNode class.


Used to initialise a property graph database by setting up new constraints.