
class biocypher._get.Resource(name: str, url_s: str | list[str], lifetime: int = 0, is_dir: bool = False)
__init__(name: str, url_s: str | list[str], lifetime: int = 0, is_dir: bool = False)

A resource is a file that can be downloaded from a URL and cached locally. This class implements checks of the minimum requirements for a resource, to be implemented by a biocypher adapter.

  • name (str) – The name of the resource.

  • url_s (str | list[str]) – The URL or URLs of the resource.

  • lifetime (int) – The lifetime of the resource in days. If 0, the resource is considered to be permanent.

  • is_dir (bool) – Whether the resource is a directory or not.


__init__(name, url_s[, lifetime, is_dir])

A resource is a file that can be downloaded from a URL and cached locally.