Tutorial - Basics
The main purpose of BioCypher is to facilitate the pre-processing of biomedical data to save development time in the maintenance of curated knowledge graphs and to allow the simple and efficient creation of task-specific lightweight knowledge graphs in a user-friendly and biology-centric fashion.
We are going to use a toy example to familiarise the user with the basic functionality of BioCypher. One central task of BioCypher is the harmonisation of dissimilar datasets describing the same entities. Thus, in this example, the input data - which in the real-world use case could come from any type of interface - are represented by simulated data containing some examples of differently formatted biomedical entities such as proteins and their interactions.
There are two versions of this tutorial, which only differ in the output format.
The first uses a CSV output format to write files suitable for Neo4j admin
import, and the second creates an in-memory collection of Pandas dataframes.
You can find both in the tutorial
directory of the BioCypher repository; the
Pandas version of each tutorial step is suffixed with _pandas
While you can use the files generated to create an actual Neo4j database, it is
not required for this tutorial. For checking the output, you can simply open the
CSV files in a text editor or your IDE; by default, they will be written to the
directory. If you simply want to run the tutorial to see how
it works, you can also run the Pandas version.
To run this tutorial, you will need to have cloned and installed the BioCypher repository on your machine. We recommend using Poetry:
git clone https://github.com/biocypher/biocypher.git
cd biocypher
poetry install
Poetry environment
In order to run the tutorial code, you will need to activate the Poetry
environment. This can be done by running poetry shell
in the biocypher
directory. Alternatively, you can run the code from within the Poetry
environment by prepending poetry run
to the command. For example, to run the
tutorial code, you can run poetry run python tutorial/01__basic_import.py
In the biocypher
root directory, you will find a tutorial
directory with
the files for this tutorial. The data_generator.py
file contains the
simulated data generation code, and the other files are named according to the
tutorial step they are used in. The biocypher-out
directory will be created
automatically when you run the tutorial code.
BioCypher is configured using a YAML file; it comes with a default (which you
can see in the Configuration section). You can use it, for instance,
to select an output format, the output directory, separators, logging level, and
other options. For this tutorial, we will use a dedicated configuration file for
each of the steps. The configuration files are located in the tutorial
directory, and are called using the biocypher_config_path
argument at
instantiation of the BioCypher interface. For more information, see also the
Quickstart Configuration section.
Section 1: Adding data
Tutorial files
The code for this tutorial can be found at tutorial/01__basic_import.py
. The
schema is at tutorial/01_schema_config.yaml
, configuration in
. Data generation happens in
Input data stream (“adapter”)
The basic operation of adding data to the knowledge graph requires two
components: an input stream of data (which we call adapter) and a configuration
for the resulting desired output (the schema configuration). The former will be
simulated by calling the Protein
class of our data generator 10 times.
from tutorial.data_generator import Protein
proteins = [Protein() for _ in range(10)]
Each protein in our simulated data has a UniProt ID, a label (“uniprot_protein”), and a dictionary of properties describing it. This is - purely by coincidence - very close to the input BioCypher expects (for nodes):
a unique identifier
an input label (to allow mapping to the ontology, see the second step below)
a dictionary of further properties (which can be empty)
These should be presented to BioCypher in the form of a tuple. To achieve this representation, we can use a generator function that iterates through our simulated input data and, for each entity, forms the corresponding tuple. The use of a generator allows for efficient streaming of larger datasets where required.
def node_generator():
for protein in proteins:
yield (
The concept of an adapter can become arbitrarily complex and involve programmatic access to databases, API requests, asynchronous queries, context managers, and other complicating factors. However, it always boils down to providing the BioCypher driver with a collection of tuples, one for each entity in the input data. For more info, see the section on Adapters.
As descibed above, nodes possess:
a mandatory ID,
a mandatory label, and
a property dictionary,
while edges possess:
an (optional) ID,
two mandatory IDs for source and target,
a mandatory label, and
a property dictionary.
How these entities are mapped to the ontological hierarchy underlying a BioCypher graph is determined by their mandatory labels, which connect the input data stream to the schema configuration. This we will see in the following section.
Schema configuration
How each BioCypher graph is structured is determined by the schema configuration YAML file that is given to the BioCypher interface. This also serves to ground the entities of the graph in the biomedical realm by using an ontological hierarchy. In this tutorial, we refer to the Biolink model as the general backbone of our ontological hierarchy. The basic premise of the schema configuration YAML file is that each component of the desired knowledge graph output should be configured here; if (and only if) an entity is represented in the schema configuration and is present in the input data stream, will it be part of our knowledge graph.
In our case, since we only import proteins, we only require few lines of configuration:
protein: # mapping
represented_as: node # schema configuration
preferred_id: uniprot # uniqueness
input_label: uniprot_protein # connection to input stream
The first line (protein
) identifies our entity and connects to the ontological
backbone; here we define the first class to be represented in the graph. In the
configuration YAML, we represent entities — similar to the internal
representation of Biolink — in lower sentence case (e.g., “small molecule”).
Conversely, for class names, in file names, and property graph labels, we use
PascalCase instead (e.g., “SmallMolecule”) to avoid issues with handling spaces.
The transformation is done by BioCypher internally. BioCypher does not strictly
enforce the entities allowed in this class definition; in fact, we provide
several methods of extending the existing ontological backbone ad hoc by
providing custom inheritance or hybridising ontologies.
However, every entity should at some point be connected to the underlying
ontology, otherwise the multiple hierarchical labels will not be populated.
Following this first line are three indented values of the protein class.
The second line (represented_as
) tells BioCypher in which way each entity
should be represented in the graph; the only options are node
and edge
Representation as an edge is only possible when source and target IDs are
provided in the input data stream. Conversely, relationships can be represented
as both node
or edge
, depending on the desired output. When a relationship
should be represented as a node, i.e., “reified”, BioCypher takes care to create
a set of two edges and a node in place of the relationship. This is useful when
we want to connect the relationship to other entities in the graph, for example
literature references.
The third line (preferred_id
) informs the uniqueness of represented entities
by selecting an ontological namespace around which the definition of uniqueness
should revolve. In our example, if a protein has its own uniprot ID, it is
understood to be a unique entity. When there are multiple protein isoforms
carrying the same uniprot ID, they are understood to be aggregated to result in
only one unique entity in the graph. Decisions around uniqueness of graph
constituents sometimes require some consideration in task-specific
applications. Selection of a namespace also has effects in identifier mapping;
in our case, for protein nodes that do not carry a uniprot ID, identifier
mapping will attempt to find a uniprot ID given the other identifiers of that
node. To account for the broadest possible range of identifier systems while
also dealing with parsing of namespace prefixes and validation, we refer to the
Bioregistry project namespaces, which should be
preferred values for this field.
Finally, the fourth line (input_label
) connects the input data stream to the
configuration; here we indicate which label to expect in the input tuple for
each class in the graph. In our case, we expect “uniprot_protein” as the label
for each protein in the input data stream; all other input entities that do not
carry this label are ignored as long as they are not in the schema
Creating the graph (using the BioCypher interface)
All that remains to be done now is to instantiate the BioCypher interface (as the main means of communicating with BioCypher) and call the function to create the graph. While this can be done “online”, i.e., by connecting to a running DBMS instance, we will in this example use the offline mode of BioCypher, which does not require setting up a graph database instance. The following code will use the data stream and configuration set up above to write the files for knowledge graph creation:
from biocypher import BioCypher
bc = BioCypher(
We pass our configuration files at instantiation of the interface, and we pass
the data stream to the write_nodes
function. BioCypher will then create the
graph and write it to the output directory, which is set to biocypher-out/
default, creating a subfolder with the current datetime for each driver
The biocypher_config_path
parameter at instantiation of the BioCypher
should in most cases not be needed; we are using it here to increase convenience
of the tutorial and to showcase its use. We are overriding the default value of
only two settings: the offline mode (offline
in biocypher
) and the database
name (database_name
in neo4j
By default, BioCypher will look for a file named biocypher_config.yaml
in the
current working directory and in its subfolder config
, as well as in various
user directories. For more information, see the section on
Importing data into Neo4j
If you want to build an actual Neo4j graph from the tutorial output files, please follow the Neo4j import tutorial.
Quality control and convenience functions
BioCypher provides a number of convenience functions for quality control and data exploration. In addition to writing the import call for Neo4j, we can print a log of ontological classes that were present in the input data but are not accounted for in the schema configuration, as well as a log of duplicates in the input data (for the level of granularity that was used for the import). We can also print the ontological hierarchy derived from the underlying model(s) according to the classes that were given in the schema configuration:
bc.log_missing_input_labels() # show input unaccounted for in the schema
bc.log_duplicates() # show duplicates in the input data
bc.show_ontology_structure() # show ontological hierarchy
Section 2: Merging data
Plain merge
Tutorial files
The code for this tutorial can be found at tutorial/02__merge.py
. Schema
files are at tutorial/02_schema_config.yaml
, configuration in
. Data generation happens in
Using the workflow described above with minor changes, we can merge data from
different input streams. If we do not want to introduce additional ontological
subcategories, we can simply add the new input stream to the existing one and
add the new label to the schema configuration (the new label being
). In this case, we would add the following to the schema
represented_as: node
preferred_id: uniprot
input_label: [uniprot_protein, entrez_protein]
This again creates a single output file, now for both protein types, including
both input streams, and the graph can be created as before using the command
line call created by BioCypher. However, we are generating our entrez
proteins as having entrez IDs, which could result in problems in querying.
Additionally, a strict import mode including regex pattern matching of
identifiers will fail at this point due to the difference in pattern of UniProt
vs. Entrez IDs. This issue could be resolved by mapping the Entrez IDs to
UniProt IDs, but we will instead use the opportunity to demonstrate how to
merge data from different sources into the same ontological class using ad
hoc subclasses.
Ad hoc subclassing
Tutorial files
The code for this tutorial can be found at tutorial/03__implicit_subclass.py
Schema files are at tutorial/03_schema_config.yaml
, configuration in
. Data generation happens in
In the previous section, we saw how to merge data from different sources into
the same ontological class. However, we did not resolve the issue of the
proteins living in a different namespace than the uniprot
which could result in problems in querying. In proteins, it would probably be
more appropriate to solve this problem using identifier mapping, but in other
categories, e.g., pathways, this may not be possible because of a lack of
one-to-one mapping between different data sources. Thus, if we so desire, we
can merge datasets into the same ontological class by creating ad hoc
subclasses implicitly through BioCypher, by providing multiple preferred
identifiers. In our case, we update our schema configuration as follows:
represented_as: node
preferred_id: [uniprot, entrez]
input_label: [uniprot_protein, entrez_protein]
This will “implicitly” create two subclasses of the protein
class, which will
inherit the entire hierarchy of the protein
class. The two subclasses will be
named using a combination of their preferred namespace and the name of the
parent class, separated by a dot, i.e., uniprot.protein
and entrez.protein
In this manner, they can be identified as proteins regardless of their sources
by any queries for the generic protein
class, while still carrying
information about their namespace and avoiding identifier conflicts.
The only change affected upon the code from the previous section is the referral to the updated schema configuration file.
In the output, we now generate two separate files for the protein
class, one
for each subclass (with names in PascalCase).
Section 3: Handling properties
While ID and label are mandatory components of our knowledge graph, properties are optional and can include different types of information on the entities. In source data, properties are represented in arbitrary ways, and designations rarely overlap even for the most trivial of cases (spelling differences, formatting, etc). Additionally, some data sources contain a large wealth of information about entities, most of which may not be needed for the given task. Thus, it is often desirable to filter out properties that are not needed to save time, disk space, and memory.
Maintaining consistent properties per entity type is particularly important when using the admin import feature of Neo4j, which requires consistency between the header and data files. Properties that are introduced into only some of the rows will lead to column misalignment and import failure. In “online mode”, this is not an issue.
We will take a look at how to handle property selection in BioCypher in a way that is flexible and easy to maintain.
Designated properties
Tutorial files
The code for this tutorial can be found at tutorial/04__properties.py
. Schema
files are at tutorial/04_schema_config.yaml
, configuration in
. Data generation happens in
The simplest and most straightforward way to ensure that properties are
consistent for each entity type is to designate them explicitly in the schema
configuration. This is done by adding a properties
key to the entity type
configuration. The value of this key is another dictionary, where in the
standard case the keys are the names of the properties that the entity type
should possess, and the values give the type of the property. Possible values
),arrays of any of these types (indicated by square brackets, e.g.
In the case of properties that are not present in (some of) the source data,
BioCypher will add them to the output with a default value of None
Additional properties in the input that are not represented in these designated
property names will be ignored. Let’s imagine that some, but not all, of our
protein nodes have a mass
value. If we want to include the mass value on all
proteins, we can add the following to our schema configuration:
represented_as: node
preferred_id: [uniprot, entrez]
input_label: [uniprot_protein, entrez_protein]
sequence: str
description: str
taxon: str
mass: dbl
This will add the mass
property to all proteins (in addition to the three we
had before); if not encountered, the column will be empty. Implicit subclasses
will automatically inherit the property configuration; in this case, both
and entrez.protein
will have the mass
property, even
though the entrez
proteins do not have a mass
value in the input data.
If we wanted to ignore the mass value for all properties, we could simply
remove the mass
key from the properties
BioCypher provides feedback about property conflicts; try running the code
for this example (04__properties.py
) with the schema configuration of the
previous section (03_schema_config.yaml
) and see what happens.
Inheriting properties
Tutorial files
The code for this tutorial can be found at
. Schema files are at
, configuration in
. Data generation happens in
Sometimes, explicit designation of properties requires a lot of maintenance
work, particularly for classes with many properties. In these cases, it may be
more convenient to inherit properties from a parent class. This is done by
adding a properties
key to a suitable parent class configuration, and then
defining inheritance via the is_a
key in the child class configuration and
setting the inherit_properties
key to true
Let’s say we have an additional protein isoform
class, which can reasonably
inherit from protein
and should carry the same properties as the parent. We
can add the following to our schema configuration:
protein isoform:
is_a: protein
inherit_properties: true
represented_as: node
preferred_id: uniprot
input_label: uniprot_isoform
This allows maintenance of property lists for many classes at once. If the child class has properties already, they will be kept (if they are not present in the parent class) or replaced by the parent class properties (if they are present).
Again, apart from adding the protein isoforms to the input stream, the code for this example is identical to the previous one except for the reference to the updated schema configuration.
We now create three separate data files, all of which are children of the
class; two implicit children (uniprot.protein
and entrez.protein
and one explicit child (protein isoform
Section 4: Handling relationships
Tutorial files
The code for this tutorial can be found at tutorial/06__relationships.py
Schema files are at tutorial/06_schema_config.yaml
, configuration in
. Data generation happens in
Naturally, we do not only want nodes in our knowledge graph, but also edges. In
BioCypher, the configuration of relationships is very similar to that of nodes,
with some key differences. First the similarities: the top-level class
configuration of edges is the same; class names refer to ontological classes or
are an extension thereof. Similarly, the is_a
key is used to define
inheritance, and the inherit_properties
key is used to inherit properties from
a parent class. Relationships also possess a preferred_id
key, an
key, and a properties
key, which work in the same way as for
Relationships also have a represented_as
key, which in this case can be
either node
or edge
. The node
option is used to “reify” the relationship
in order to be able to connect it to other nodes in the graph. In addition to
the configuration of nodes, relationships also have fields for the source
node types, which refer to the ontological classes of the respective
nodes, and are currently optional.
To add protein-protein interactions to our graph, we can add the following to the schema configuration above:
protein protein interaction:
is_a: pairwise molecular interaction
represented_as: node
preferred_id: intact
input_label: interacts_with
method: str
source: str
Here, we use explicit subclassing to define the protein-protein interaction,
which is not represented in the basic Biolink model, as a direct child of the
Biolink “pairwise molecular interaction” class. We also reify this relationship
by representing it as a node. This allows us to connect it to other nodes in
the graph, for example to evidences for each interaction. If we do not want to
reify the relationship, we can set represented_as
to edge
Relationship identifiers
In biomedical data, relationships often do not have curated unique identifiers.
Nevertheless, we may want to be able to refer to them in the graph. Thus, edges
possess an ID field similar to nodes, which can be supplied in the input data
as an optional first element in the edge tuple. Generating this ID from the
properties of the edge (source and target identifiers, and additionally any
properties that the edge possesses) can be done, for instance, by using the MD5
hash of the concatenation of these values. Edge IDs are active by default, but
can be deactivated by setting the use_id
field to false
in the
protein protein interaction:
is_a: pairwise molecular interaction
represented_as: edge
use_id: false
# ...