
class biocypher.output.write.relational._csv._PandasCSVWriter(*args, write_to_file: bool = True, **kwargs)

Class for writing node and edge representations to CSV files.

__init__(*args, write_to_file: bool = True, **kwargs)

Abstract class for writing node and edge representations to disk.


translator (Translator): Instance of Translator to enable translation of

nodes and manipulation of properties.

deduplicator (Deduplicator): Instance of Deduplicator to enable deduplication

of nodes and edges.

output_directory (str, optional): Path for exporting CSV files. Defaults to None. strict_mode (bool, optional): Whether to enforce source, version, and license properties. Defaults to False.


__init__(*args[, write_to_file])

Abstract class for writing node and edge representations to disk.

write_edges(edges[, batch_size, force])

Wrapper for writing edges.


Function to output.write the import call detailing folder and individual node and edge headers and data files, as well as delimiters and database name, to the export folder as txt.

write_nodes(nodes[, batch_size, force])

Wrapper for writing nodes.